1. Fire! Yesterday, Wild Man asked me if he could use the oven. I told him “yes” since we were all watching a TV show about Megalightning. About five minutes later, I heard, “Mom, FIRE!” I jumped up and ran the few steps to the kitchen to find that he was holding a cookie sheet with parchment paper that was, indeed, on fire. I reached for the flour (which was closer than the fire extinguisher) while Mr. Math Tutor came in and took the pan and put it under running water. The flames were out in short order. The good news is that Wild Man kept his head during the whole ordeal, didn’t drop the pan, didn’t scream, and called for help just like he was supposed to. Now he knows that you can’t use the broiler with parchment paper. Right.
2. The Topamax dopiness is still there, but intermittent. Yesterday, I threw our books of the Bible index cards on the dining room floor and had Wild Man put them in order. As I watched, I realized that I couldn’t remember where some of them went. How could I not know where Hebrews goes??? I’ve known that since I was six??? And, I couldn’t figure out what order Joel and Amos went in!! Alas. But, it’s better than a migraine.
3. Ga’hoole Girl and Wild Man are signed up for this year’s homeschool talent show. I think (hope) they’ve settled on their act – a simplified dance to “Moses Supposes His Toeses are Roses” from “Singin’ In the Rain”. Ga’hoole Girl is going to choreograph and teach Wild Man.
4. I actually made it to homeschool group this morning. It was really quite enjoyable. I think the coolest thing was that lots of the moms seemed truly glad to see me there. I stay so cooped up here at home that I forget the rest of the world exists, sometimes.
5. The kids have been really wanting to go out to eat at Perkins. We are going to see the dance group tonight, so we said we can have dinner at Perkins if we go “dutch” – each family member pays their own way.
6. Mr. Math Tutor got his new toy. Of course, he hasn’t used it much yet. Ga’hoole Girl and I moved some furniture on Monday and I used it to clean a little section of living room. Let me tell you, this thing has some serious suction. It can probably pick up small children if you’re not careful. Our goal is to get some of the cat hair around here cleaned up. Only two of our rooms are carpeted, but the sofa holds on to cat hair in a big way. With this new vacuum, we hope to have a less cat hair dominated house. Eventually, we’ll get some real use out of it.
7. The science fair is next weekend. I think it’s going to be a long week.
Check out Seven Quick Takes at Conversion Diary for more great entries.
P.S. Check out this post for a book review and giveaway!! Leave a comment and you could be a recipient of a great book!

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