The Echo Within by Robert Benson is a book I am pleased to review for Waterbrook Press. In addition to providing the book to me for reviewing, the publisher has also provided me a copy to give away. If you are interested in receiving this book, just leave a comment at the end of this post. The winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 12.
The Echo Within is a short book in which Robert Benson describes his own search for (and eventual finding of) his calling in life. He describes this search as listening for the voice of God within ourselves – i.e. the echo within. He talks about the integration of his spiritual experiences, work experiences, relationships, and other life experiences into who he now is.
This book is short – less than 200 pages. There is not much detail about Robert Benson’s life, yet he manages to put much of himself into those 180 pages. Much of what he said resonated with me. I know about wanting to know my calling in life. But, I’m also learning that my calling in life is wherever I am right this minute.
There is much in this little book that is encouraging and helpful. I recommend it, particularly for those of us coming in to middle age who are starting to wonder if we are really doing the “right” thing in life. Mr. Benson has many good insights.
If you are interested in this book, please leave a comment of any kind, and I'll put your name in the hat next Thursday. Tell your friends and neighbors as well!!

WOW! this sounds like a timely book for my husband and I. We are trying to find our way in God's will-where and what He would have us doing in the next few years and in the now of today! sign me up for the contest!
Thank you for taking the time to read THE ECHO WITHIN and for saying such kind things about it to your friends. It means much to a person who spends much of his time in a small room with little more for company than blank pages and the tools to fill them with.
— Robert Benson
I seriously have to ask-How do you do it all???? I made my rounds to my bloggy followers today to catch back up on what's going on with everyone and I see 2 book reviews, Spanish Program Reviews, amazing lesson's you've taught the kiddos this week, attended homeschool group and that was just since Thursday. How in the world do you find time for it all plus run Heart of the Matter Online? I'm exhausted by just reading all your adventures!
Jennifer, your comment makes me laugh! I do have to say, though, that the Spanish program review was written a couple of weeks ago and I'm just an occasional contributor to Heart of the Matter Online. But, I have been feeling well this week, so we got a lot more done than usual. Thanks for the encouraging post!
This sounds like a book that I could really use in this season of my life. Put my name in the hat :)
I enjoy and appreciate the reviews you do on books.
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