1. Last night, we were reading about the garments that were to made for Aaron and the other priests in the book of Exodus. The question we were to answer was what the priests’ undergarments were supposed to cover. Our book uses KJV, but we read from the NIV. While Mr. Math Tutor was checking the back of the book for the “correct” answer, I suggested “privates” or “boy parts” and told the kids that I’d be happy to supply more anatomically accurate names if they wanted. Wild Man started screaming, “No, no anabolically accurate names!!” (No, steroids were not involved). So, I suggested “tush” or “hynie”. The actual answer was “nakedness”. We had a good laugh – and, no, we weren’t being sacrilegious.
2. There are definite advantages to shorter hair: I can clean the kitchen without getting my hair in the dishes and the food; Mr. Math Tutor doesn’t roll onto my hair in bed at night (ouch!); My hair actually dries in some reasonable amount of time. Wild Man is still not thrilled about the haircut, but I figure he’ll come around in time.
3. We made pizza rolls last night using pizza dough that we pressed into a dumpling press and then added a little meat, pizza sauce, and cheese filling. The problem is that the dough rose so much that they didn’t stay together in the oven. So, you can’t make dumplings with pizza dough – you need to use wontons or other non-rising dough. Lesson learned. But, they were yummy anyway.
4. My new favorite game is Monopoly Deal. It is far more fast-moving than Monopoly and really super-fun! You can go from losing to winning in one turn. I bought it for our vacation quest not really knowing anything about it, but the kids started playing it and it was a real hit.
5. My daughter and I went to the library today. As we were going back to the car, she said, “What a great day! I just love the library!” Is this my kid or what?!
6. The snow is almost melted here. We are going to do a garden this year, but grow things from transplant, so we don’t need to put things out until about the middle of May. Mostly, I’m looking forward to seeing green outside instead of white.
7. We had a really nice brunch this morning with friends. It was so nice to share a meal and get to know these folks better. And, of course, to not have to cook!
Check out Conversion Diary to see what others have to say this week on Seven Quick Takes Friday!

I just found your blog via Conversion Diary. I love it! I look forward to reading more!
I found you through QTF links too. I have to tell you that #2 is hurting my resolve to NOT cut my hair. ;) Great blog, I will be back to read more for sure!
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