I thought today I’d share with you some homeschool links that I’ve found over the last few years. Some of them I have found helpful. Others are not links that I have used, but they look like they could be useful for others. They aren’t really in any particular order, so enjoy the chaos!
MathTools – Guess what?! Mr. Math Tutor’s website is up! This site is just to get you in contact with my dear husband for math tutoring. He will be doing some guest posting in the future on my site about helpful hints for teaching math.
The Home Scholar – Lee Binz is a mom whose two sons are now college students. Her site is a wealth of information about helping parents help their children prepare for college. So far, I have taken advantage only of her complimentary products, but she has a wide array of more extensive services that look very helpful. I read her blog faithfully as Ga’hoole Girl approaches the high school years.
Heart of the Matter Online – Yes, I know, I’m a little biased here since I write for them regularly, but I’m not compensated in any way except to see my name in print (which is really cool). I love this site because there are lots of fun ideas and encouragement. There is also a regular devotional. So, check it out – even when I’m not writing!
CurrClick – This site was first recommended to me by my sister-in-law when it was Homeschool E-books. I purchased a few lapbook kits from them that I loved, but my kids really didn’t. Now, I know – my kids and lapbooks don’t mix. So, I’ve been getting their email, but not really finding a lot of use to me. Now, though, they are expanding into online courses and online tutoring. So, Mr. Math Tutor will likely be teaching an online math course through CurrClick in the relatively near future. They have some other interesting course offerings, such as a course on Tolkein.
The Potter’s School – This company does online courses for junior high school and high school. I have not used any of their courses, but I can see that some people might be interested in them. Their science courses use the Apologia curriculum.
Homeschool Kids Write – This site provides a different writing cue each week and encourages kids to write using the cue each week. They can post on their (or their parent’s) blog or the site provides a place where they can post their work. It looks like a great way to encourage reluctant writers. I haven’t used it yet, but hope to in the future.
The Periodic Table of Videos – This is a super-cool site where they have short videos demonstrating each element of the periodic table. I haven’t actually watched every single video, but Ga’hoole Girl and I have watched several of them together. It’s great to see things like sodium and potassium in their pure forms since it’s pretty rare to see them like that in real life. Best for middle and high school students.
Well, I am realizing that I have more links than I dare put on one page. I’ll try to do another homeschool links page in the near future. In the meantime, feel free to share your faves in the comments!!

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