I haven’t updated my knitting in quite awhile, but it is not because I have been lacking in knitting. In fact, I have been knitting like a wild woman since October. At first, I was trying to get Christmas gifts done; then, I started working on a sweater for Mr. Math Tutor; finally, I decided to make myself a purse while we were on vacation. Here are the results with my stimulating commentary.
These socks were made with a sock wool for my mother in law using the Froot Loop pattern from Knitty. She loves them!
I had a blast making these socks for my sister-in-law. The yarn is Rowan 4ply and the pattern is Hedera at Knitty. She loves wearing them and they were a joy to make.
I made this ball for my nephew. I’m happy to say that he loves it. When we saw him last week, he played with it quite often (and he’s not old enough to do it just to make me happy!). The yarn is KnitPicks Shine Worsted and the pattern is Doddy from Knitty (again).
I also made the brothers’ and sisters’ families felted mancala boards. Sadly, I forgot to take pictures of them since I was sewing them together at 11pm the night before they were to be mailed!! Here’s the link, though. I also did a pair of socks for my mom but forgot to take pictures. Here’s the link for that pair. I do have to say that they were something of a challenge. I think I started them four or five times before I was happy with the mitered square look.
My most recent project was a purse that I made on our trip South. I had been working on my husband’s sweater, but all that wool on my lap made me really hot. So, I pulled out some inexpensive cotton yarn and made myself this cute purse. Of course, since the yarn is variegated, you can’t see the cables very well. I added in the inside pouches myself to hold credit cards and my cell phone. My daughter says the purse is “garish”. I love, it, though. It’s not as organized as my 10 year old Wilson leather purse, but it is large enough to hold my pricebook notebook (with which I will finally save money on groceries – yeah, right). I really like it – despite my daughter’s excessively conservative assessment.
You can’t really see it in the picture, but there are two pouches on the inside of the purse.
So, that’s what I’ve been up to in the Blissfully Domestic department. If you haven’t ever tried some kind of needlework, I highly recommend it. I have terrible headaches, including migraines, and I find knitting quite relaxing – and useful. So, check out I Am Blissfully Domestic for more domestic ideas.

P.S. I’m so sorry, Kim, but I don’t have any ideas for storing or taking care of clothes. I’ll refrain from giving details of the actual state of clothing in our home!!
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