I just got back from the grocery store. It was quite a different trip for me. Usually, I have one or both kids with me; tonight, I had my dear hubby.
No one begged for anything or whined – I’ve got Mr. Math Tutor pretty well trained.
No one said, “I wasn’t begging; I was asking!”
Highly unhealthy things did not magically appear in the basket. Well, at least when they appeared, I knew from whence they had come!
There was no delay at the register while certain persons (who shall remain nameless – but they’re 10 and 13) make the life-altering choice of what gum they want to purchase.
When we got to the car, no one tried to immediately get into the car without helping to load up groceries, claiming, “It’s too cold out there!” (like I want to load the groceries by myself in the cold!!)
A very chivalrous man (named Mr. Math Tutor) put the cart away even though it was chilly (a task that Wild Man claims threatens his life and well-being).
Grocery shopping was actually rather fun. Mr. Math Tutor and I made eyes at each other a few times, although we did not find any dark corners in which to pretend we were ill-mannered, hormonal teenagers. I think we should do this more often!

You really didn't have to include that last paragraph!
Too cute. I went to Target without the kids today, and felt almost naked around all the other moms and their kids. It was sort of... boring. ;)
The trick is to go with the hubby, not completely alone. Although, it's amazing the coherent thoughts you can have when you are by yourself!
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