Back in the Fall, I was making knitted and felted Mancala games as Christmas gifts for family members. When I got the cups for the games made, I realized that I didn’t have anything to help me mold the cups into the right size and shape. One day in Sam’s Club, I came across a package of 12 of these little sauce cups.
They were the perfect size for shaping the Mancala cups – and there were just the right number. The really cool thing is how useful they have become since then. Here are several of their uses.
Measuring dry ingredients for baking – one of my kids’ favorite uses for the cups!
Holding salad dressing for dipping veggies, especially since we don’t all like the same salad dressing and my kids like to double-dip.
Works great for putting all my medications and supplements in before I take them with breakfast.
One-half a cup is about two Tbsp of chocolate chips which is about 100 Calories.
I think this was some of the best $5.00 I have spent in a long time!! Check out Works for Me Wednesday for more great ideas!!

We use ours for holding ketchup. And E likes to put his M&Ms in it (I like the portion control). BTW- we got ours at a kitchen outlet store years ago so you can buy them individually if you need to replace one or buy a couple more! :)
Those are great.
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