It was a good week around here. I felt great until Thursday afternoon when my migraine started – we’re having some serious weather changes. The kids have done quite well this week. So, here’s our week:
History/Social Sciences – We watched a movie on the French Revolution and have read more in George Washington’s World. We just finished reading The Sherwood Ring together as our read-aloud which we all loved.
Science – Rosie Girl wrote a short paper about mountains this week. Wild Man and I read some about measuring volume and density and then did a worksheet reviewing those concepts.
Language Arts – Rosie Girl finished reading The Broken Blade and wrote a character sketch. Wild Man has been reading the books in a series called The Dragon Slayer’s Academy. Spelling is still slow with Wild Man. I’ve decided that we will just review on Mondays. On the other days, we will do half of a Spelling Power lesson. He starts Spelling Power Book 3 this next week.
Math – Rosie Girl is still in ALEKS. Wild Man is doing math with Mr. Math Tutor. I have been pleased to see him doing some more complex word problems even though the math part is still quite simple for him.
Bible – Wild Man finished Discovery 8 this week in his AWANA book. He is pretty sure that he’ll finish his book this year! Rosie Girl has been reading Live Like a Jesus Freak. As a family, we are reading the Gospel of Matthew (to take a little break from the Pentateuch).
Music – Wild Man has practiced drums faithfully. Both kids are pretty excited about dance recital at the end of May. Rosie Girl had her piano contest this afternoon. She’s reasonably happy with her performance.
Physical Education – Rosie had her first track meet this week!! She didn’t place in any of her events, but said that she really enjoyed it.
One more week of “school” before we take a vacation week! We are all looking forward to that. Check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more weekly reviews!

Sounds like a great week! I'm glad Rosie liked her first track meet. I also hope you enjoy your vacation week next week!
Yay, Rosie on your track meet!
Enjoy your vacation!
Ah, a vacation week. I'm ready for one of those. Sounds like you all had a good week. I would love to learn to play the drums, but, alas, I have no rhythm. It wouldn't bother me at all if one of the kids took them up at some point.
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