Yes, I seem to have gone meme-crazy!! But, I couldn’t help it – a meme about what books our family is reading right now. It’s just too perfect!!
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand– Can you believe I’ve never read this? So, I got it from the library and I’m working on it.
The Help by Kathryn Stockett (audiobook) – So far, I love it. Set in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi, 2 black maids and 1 Junior League socialite take on the racial boundaries of the time.
Murder by Family by Kent Whitaker – I just started this. The true story of a son’s treachery and a father’s forgiveness.
The Power of Less by Leo Babauta
Everyday Cheapskate’s Greatest Hints by Mary Hunt
Ga’hoole Girl
InkDeath by Cornelia Funke
Physik by Angie Sage (and the rest of the Septimus Heap books)
The Broken Blade by William Durbin
Wild Man
Chosen by Ted Dekker
Pendragon: The Merchant of Death by D.J. MacHale
We don’t have a book basket around here. The kids’ books usually end up all over the house – in their bedrooms at bedtime, back downstairs in the morning, etc. My books generally live beside my rocking chair or the sofa. I also keep a stack under the window in the office since I’ve run out of bookshelf space!! Before I go to the library, I check the library website to see which books are close to being overdue then I have the family find the books and put them in my bag for the library run.
Check out The Happy Housewife for more Book Basket posts.

My daughter is currently reading the Inkheart series, she seems to really like it! I was hoping to read them before her, but not a chance, she reads too quick! Thanks for sharing your books!
Hi Catherine!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about your 11 year old. Adventure ahead! Enjoy!
And I like your book list. Peter read Wild Man's choices (plus Atals Shrugged). :)
I haven't read the Atlas book... sounds like I should, perhaps. How far have you read into it as yet? And you like it?
Mostly when I get to read for "fun" I'm reading ahead of my daughter in books I think I may like to guide her toward as she finishes the easier reading books she's working through now.
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