I really love Easter, but it doesn’t have as much deep tradition associated with it as Christmas. Frankly, this is OK with me. I think it allows more time for reflection without the craziness that so often characterizes Christmas.
I remember very clearly one Easter when I was young (maybe 7 or 8) when my mom and I both had Strep Throat and had to stay home from church. We were completely miserable.
Growing up, we always had new clothes for Easter Sunday morning and got Easter baskets on Easter morning. Often, the Easter bunny would hide candy eggs around our house that we would go around and find before church. We often participated in Easter egg hunts at church or other community events during the week before Easter.
As an adult, I’m less concerned about new clothes for Easter, especially nowadays with our current financial situation. In addition, I have a terrible time knowing what kind of clothes to wear for Easter here in the Great White North. Tomorrow will be pleasant with temperatures in the 50s, but we have had everything from snow to very warm Easters in the years we’ve lived here.
My parents have been in close contact with the Easter bunny and make sure that my children (and my husband and I) get chocolate bunnies from Hoffman’s Chocolates every year. The last few years, it’s been easier for the Easter bunny to bring our baskets on the day before Easter because Mr. Math Tutor is usually at all of the Easter services on Sunday.
Growing up, we always had a big lunch on Easter Sunday, often with company. We haven’t done a big company lunch here in a few years because of my headaches. Last year, Ga’hoole Girl and I cooked a leg of lamb with garlic – delicious! This year, we’ve decided on simplicity. We’re making bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and fruit for Easter lunch. It’s easy to make, everyone loves it, and it doesn’t take much preparation.
The best thing, though, about Easter is what it means. As much as I love the chocolate bunnies, I love even more that this is the time of year that we celebrate even more than usual the resurrection of our Savior that means that we can have abundant life here on Earth and eternal life in Heaven with God. Totally amazing!!
Check our Heart of the Matter Online to see what others are saying about their Easter Traditions.

I haven't really done much in years past in regards to Easter, in terms of our own family. However, growing up, we had the tradition of Easter dinner with my grandparents (in the dining room on formal china). They always gave me and my sister some kind of Easter gift (a book, usually a Beatrix Potter figurine for me, cross jewelry, etc.---something that related to Easter). It wasn't as big a celebration as Christmas, but growing up we knew it had meaning and was a significant holiday. I haven't really made a big deal about the Easter holiday since we've been in GA (when we were in NC, we always went to my parents for Easter dinner). But this year, since Evan is starting to get older and will remember the traditions we have, I decided to continue with the Easter dinner I grew up with (so we ate on formal china in the dining room). I want E to grow up knowing like I did, that Easter is a reason to celebrate and is a very special day! I also remember growing up, my sister and I had numerous egg hunts. I was much older so I would hide the eggs and let her find them. We had an egg hunt outside tonight after dinner and the boys had fun! They played a little outside and then we went back inside for some cross cake (red velvet cake in the shape of a cross with chocolate icing). The red cake represents Christ's sacrifice, the dark icing represents our sinful behavior. I put 4 M&M's where his piercings were (at the hands and feet), a crown of thorns out of pretzel sticks at the top, and shredded coconut at the bottom for "white as snow". It actually turned out pretty good (my 1st time making it). It's definitely a time to rejoice and celebrate! Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!
While Easter may not have the old family traditions, it's a great time to teach our children about the ancient traditions of the church. Easter is our oldest feast, and there are traditions started in the early church (fasting, the Easter Vigil, etc.) that are still practiced by Christians today. It's a great way to tap into our heritage as a body of believers and make the day significant.
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