Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gardening Update – June 12. 2010

It’s been raining just about all week which has given me migraines all week, but it means that I haven’t had to water the plants.  Of course, I’m starting to wonder if the animals are going to start walking by two by two!

Here’s what we’ve got right now:

Tomato plants - Two are growing in TopsyTurvy planters and two in ice cream buckets using the same technique.  There doesn’t seem to be any difference in outcome so far.

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Cucumbers - These are the new cukes, not the ones that I started back in April that died.  They are growing in TopsyTurvy planters and seem pretty happy so far.


Petunias - These are all going out in the front planter.  I decided to plant them in these round and rectangular planters because they’re easier to deal with, but their final home will be out front.  I’m a little bummed that I didn’t start my petunias earlier because there are petunias blooming all over the place and mine aren’t.  Lesson learned – order seeds earlier next year.  Note – the little tiny plants are so small because Park Seed shipped those seeds several weeks later than the first set.  They’d sure better be pretty!

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Oregano – I have more oregano that I know what to do with!  These two pots are the ones that I’m going to keep.  I have some starters still inside just in case these don’t make it!

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Catnip – The plan is to dry the leaves and make knitted cat toys for my lazy cats.  And maybe Sophie will play with cat toys instead of trying to kill Sassy.


Spearmint – I think this is the same stuff as the garden mint that I had in Kentucky where it became the Audrey 2 on the side of my house!  Up here, though, it is definitely an annual.  I had a sprig last year from Grammy’s house in Baton Rouge and it grew crazy in a pot, but did NOT come back this year.  I don’t think it likes the below zero temps that we get around here.  Wonder why?


Basil – Looks beautiful!  I think Rosie Girl and I will get some very nice leaves from here.


Dill – Also looking good.  I love dill on my scrambled eggs.


Chives – This grows as an annual in our front bed (yes, the front bed needs to be weeded.)  Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to harvest the chives each year so it bolts.  But, it’s pretty when it does that, so I just enjoy the flowers.  We’re getting a chive plant with our first CSA box so I’ll try to remember to harvest the chives from that one.


Lavender – this is my front planter lavender plant.  I’ve also got some growing from seed that aren’t quite ready to put into pots.  I’ve never harvested the flowers, but I do want to because they smell so delicious.  In any case, they are lovely.


Yarrow – I love these yellow flowers, but they need to be pruned.  I keep planning to prune in the fall and then say that they will look pretty with snow on them so I don’t prune.  But, we get six feet of snow right there.  I should prune them.


Salvia – This had purple flowers earlier in the spring and was beautiful.  It also needs to be pruned.  I’m not really much of a gardener, am I?


Green beans – these suckers are just taking off like gangbusters!


Carrots – you can just see the little sprouts sticking their little heads up.


Broccoli – In the middle of each square is either one or two little plants.  That’s the broccoli.  The rest is weeds.  If it ever quits raining, I’ll weed.  When the sprouts are big enough to see, I’ll mulch.


Strawberries – Rosie Girl has some strawberries!!  I planted some flowers in some of the other squares, but Rosie Girl’s friend has offered her some strawberry plants, so I’ll let her have the squares for strawberries.  If it ever quits raining, we’ll weed and mulch.


Raspberries – Looking good!


That’s what’s growing right now.  I’ll get the hang of this gardening thing one day.  And if I ever find the Morning Glory seed packet, we’ll grow those, too!

So, what’s in your garden!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Wow! Everything looks good, especially the green beans and lavender. I too, am going to harvest the flowers and dry them. BTW, you can cut the chive flowers and eat them in a salad if you want. I never have dried my chives b/c they live most of the year here. I have to say that I'm VERY impressed with your gardening!!!! I think you're officially a convert, don't you? :)