Friday, May 23, 2008

The Great Outdoors as a Classroom

This week's Heart of the Matter Online meme is to discuss how we use the great outdoors as our classroom. At first, I thought I'd have to sit this one out since I don't really do much stuff outside, but on further reflection, I have come up with a few examples.

1. Flowers - the kids helped me choose the flowers and did most of the planting. They are also responsible for the watering.

2. Schoolwork outdoors - when the weather is nice, I will often read aloud to the kids while they sit on the trampoline. Well, they walk and do a little jumping, but they have to be pretty quiet.

3. Independent stuff - the kids have been building seige engines in the back yard, having been inspired by our study of medieval history, castles, and warfare.

4. Archery - today, we're going to meet Mr. Math Teacher at the Conservation Club and do some archery. Mr. Math Teacher is going to try deer hunting with some friends this fall, so he needs practice. The kids and I just have fun with target practice.

What do you do to use the great outdoors as a classroom? Check out Heart of the Matter Online and add your ideas.


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Thanks for sharing - the outdoors really is fun, and I think learning happens there even if we're not doing a "lesson."

Shari Ellen said...

It sounds like your kids have been quite active outdoors this Spring. Don't you just love it when they do independent projects that they create?

Anonymous said...

Gosh- we've used the great outdoors for lots of learning this year but we kind of always do:

stargazing (which you guys also got to do while here)

bug hunting and watching

plant classification (collecting leaves, bark rubbings, etc)

planting our veggie and flower garden (E helped with planting both seeds and flowers in pots)

rock hunting and classification

shell and sea creature hunting/classification at the beach (during our vacation)

physical education (at a local park with the homeschool group as well as on E's own)

and read alouds outside while eating a picnic.

That's just a portion of what we've learned being outdoors this year. We try to use an opportunity for learning wherever we're at. I don't know if we'll get to it this year, but I would like to grow tadpoles into frogs this summer (in a pool). Would be a nice addition to our amphibian unit this past school year. Just not sure if I want to attempt it! LOL Anyway, sounds like you guys have had fun and that's what it's all about!