Monday, November 18, 2013

Migraine Paranoia–November 18, 2013

I’ve had a headache today, the leftovers of a moderate migraine last night. The headache hasn’t been bad. What HAS been bad has been my migraine paranoia. After last week’s severe and prolonged migraine, I’m very prone to worry.

Whenever I’m a bit nauseous, I wonder if it’s bad enough to take meds. If my insides start to cramp up at all, I worry that I’m about to spend an hour in the bathroom. If my headache moves to one side for a few minutes, I stress that it’s getting migraine-y and I need to take my triptan.

Normally, I get through these bothersome headache days without too much emotional trouble. Today, though, I stressed out at just about every possible migraine symptom. When I caught myself dwelling on symptoms, I tried to stop, pray, and get back into my knitting and listening to my book (Sycamore Row by John Grisham).

I’m praying that tomorrow is better. I need to get on the treadmill because my left hip is really hurting and I didn’t walk today. I also have my audiology appointment tomorrow (PWM and the kids are telling me I don’t hear so well these days). So, here’s to a good day tomorrow, Lord willing (and the creek don’t rise)!!

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