Saturday, November 23, 2013

7 Quick Takes–November 23, 2013


1. Last night, PWM, Wild Man, and I went to head the University Choir and Symphony Orchestra perform Mozart’s Requiem. Rosie Girl was thrilled to be part of the choir and I don’t blame her. The music was just amazing! Unlike anything I’ve ever heard.

2. It’s deer season here in the upper Midwest! Today was “Deer Hunter Widow’s Weekend”, an unofficial holiday in which the men go deer hunting and the wives go craft shopping. We usually aren’t too busy in our shop, although today wasn’t too bad. To be honest, though, I know lots of women who are out in the woods this weekend. Here’s a hysterical comic for all of you deer hunting families!

3. One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions is watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV in the morning while the turkey cooks. When I was growing up, Mom would be making cornbread dressing and other things during the parade. This year, I’ll just be letting the turkey cook since I hope to have most other things pretty well prepared the day before. Here’s some interesting things about the Macy’s parade.

4. I learned about a lot of things when I moved to Wisconsin, like snow and deer and cold. One thing I didn’t expect to be different up here was the name for a water fountain. Apparently, here in Wisconsin, we call a water fountain a “bubbler”. Who knew? Here’s a great article all about why we have bubblers in Wisconsin and hardly anywhere else.

5. One of my favorite authors is C.S. Lewis. Another of my favorite authors and speakers is Alistair McGrath. Just in time for the 50th anniversary of Lewis’ death, McGrath has published a new biography of Lewis. I can’t wait to read it!

6. I love homeschooling because we can teach our kids what we think is important, even if that is Jedi training.

7. I could totally watch dominoes falling forever. I think it is so cool. This one is the Guinness world record holder for the tallest domino set-up.

So, how was your week? Check out Conversion Diary to see what others are doing!


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