Sunday, April 07, 2013

Looking At The Week Ahead–April 7, 2013


I’m not very good these days at planning for the next week. I haven’t quite gotten the hang of planning flexibly so that I’m not completely thrown off course by the inevitable migraine or two. Tonight, though, I’m having to plan at least a bit because I have a Botox appointment bright and early in the morning.

So, tomorrow morning is my Botox appointment. Since I haven’t been proactive enough to get a school schedule ready for Wild Man, I guess I’ll do that when I get home from the neurologist. The weather isn’t supposed to be too bad, so PWM and Rosie Girl will probably go car shopping (more on that in another post) after I get home in the van.

PWM got a bunch of strong guys to help move the rest of our big stuff out of the old house. Yay, we have a sofa!! Boo, the school room is full of stuff again!! I’ll spend some time this week putting things away and probably get the pictures up on the wall.

I’m have Wild Man take his first practice ACT tests this week! I’ve been very glad that the state doesn’t require that we test our kids. Standardized tests are a very poor indicator of anything except subsequent school performance (i.e. more tests). Rosie Girl is naturally a good test taker. I’m not sure about Wild Man. I’m concerned he may need more practice because of his dyslexia. He can read and understand things and do math problems, but I’ve seen him switch digits in his head before he writes them down. I wonder if he will have trouble getting the correct answer from his head onto the bubble sheet. Well, we’ll start to find out this week.

I should finish the pair of socks I’m working on within a day or two. Then, Rosie Girl and I need to choose a pattern for the messenger bag I’ve promised to make for her to take to college.

Having all the big stuff moved over here means that the piano is here!! I cleaned a ton of dust and pollen off the keys. Not only has it been in the empty house for several weeks, but Rosie Girl generally practices on her keyboard. Now I need to get it tuned. Not only does it sound out of tune, but I know that it doesn’t like to be moved.

But, first, time to watch “Chopped” and then get a good night’s rest.

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