Thursday, January 13, 2011

Verse of the Month – 1/13/2011

Instead of doing New Year’s resolutions or a “Word for the Year”, I was going to do a verse or passage of scripture for the year.  However, a year is a really long time and things can change significantly over the course of twelve months.  I decided instead to do a verse of the month.  It will be either a verse from a section of the Bible that I’m studying or something that is particularly meaningful at that time.

Since I’ve been reading Psalms, I’ve chosen Psalm 16:11

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at you right hand.” (NIV)

This verse is at the end of a psalm in which David is reminding himself and his audience about the goodness of God.  I’ve been having a rough couple of weeks with headaches and getting easily depressed, but this verse reminds me of God’s goodness.  It also reminds me that this life is temporary and ephemeral (I love that word); my “real” life is eternal with Jesus.

Did you make resolutions this year, or choose a word?  Do tell!

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