Saturday, May 02, 2009

Our Week In Review – May 2, 2009


It’s been a pretty typical week around here.  We did school every day except Friday because of Wild Man’s birthday.  The kids have been pretty good about getting their chores and daily work done.  I had a migraine last weekend that lasted through Monday, so I was glad Mr. Math Tutor was able to drive Wild Man to his music and dance lessons Monday afternoon.  The migraine messed up my shopping and cooking schedule a bit, but I think we’re back on track.

Wild Man still struggles with spelling.  He finished All About Spelling Book 2 this week, but he’s just not ready to move on to Book 3.  I have decided that we are going to spend some time just reviewing Book 2.  I am going to have him use Spelling City online which allows him to practice with online tests and games.  In addition, I’ll review all the different spelling rules with him a few times a week.  Hopefully, we can start Book 3 in the fall.  I really don’t want to rush this because I know that the language part of his brain needs the review in order to develop those connections.

Rosie Girl had three track meets this week!  She is just exhausted today.  The track team left the school each day between 1:30 and 3:00 and got home around 9pm.  EEK!  Even with doing homework on the bus, I don’t know how the kids in school manage.  Rosie Girl is wiped out.  She finished all her weekly work and has done lots of reading for her research paper.  She will finish making the cards and outline for her research paper next week, even though it’s technically a vacation week.

Next week is our vacation week.  We are planning to put in our garden.  I want to put in asparagus, broccoli, onions, lettuce, spinach, beans, parsley, corn, squash, carrots, cilantro, garlic, and mint.  Rosie Girl wants a smaller box so she can grow raspberries.  We’re all hoping and praying for a good growing season.

Check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what others did this week!



Nekey said...

We use and we love it. The only draw back is the cost. You can put in the words that you want and it has games as well. It works for us.

Calina said...

Happy Birthday, Wild Man!

I'll be anxious to see the other comments about spelling. The girls always leave such helpful comments.

My daughter had been a great speller, but this week we started the more challenging words, so it may be a struggle from here on out.

IMHO, school sports are rough on a kid. My older girls were and are cheerleaders. During the school year with practices, games, fundraisers, etc. It took up about 5 evenings a week! There were school nights that they didn't get home until 10 pm. My girls usually did their homework on the bus and during downtimes during the games, so they didn't have to stay up. They just came home and crashed.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Wild Man!

Yes, I feel for the ps kids. I don't know how they do it.