Tomorrow’s Halloween!! This is the first year that neither of my kids is going trick-or-treating, so I’m feeling a little bit old. Nonetheless, it’s always fun to give out candy to all the neighborhood kids. I bought tons of candy – hopefully, we won’t run out this year!
Wild Man
Wild Man learned about Korea this week. We read a couple of books and watched an excellent National Geographic special about North Korea. He wrote (dictated) a really nice paper about his reader, The Kite Fighters.
I’m pleased that Wild Man’s spelling seems to be improving even though we’re still reviewing. We also practiced using and recognizing prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Wild Man is also learning to play drum kit in a teen worship band at church. All of the other kids are beginners on their instruments, so Wild Man actually is in a good place. He’s also loving being part of the Junior High group on Thursday nights.
This week Wild Man went to the Nutrition Site without me. He said that he only did a few things, but he was helpful and he had a good time.
Rosie Girl
Chemistry is turning out to be Rosie Girl’s Achilles Heel. She doesn’t enjoy it and it requires more effort than usual for her to understand it. Thursday night was a particularly rough night for the two of us. But, we got through it and I have a few ideas for using online sites to help her get other perspectives on the topic.
I’m very proud of Rosie Girl’s writing. She got a perfect score on her Write At Home essay this week. She has also been preparing to play piano for a ladies’ Christmas tea at a local church. She’s putting together her piano music and getting a piece ready on ocarina.
Rosie Girl helps our worship director at church on Wednesdays. Last week and this week, her job was to put together the packets of music for the team for the next week. She’s being useful as well as enjoying her time there.
And there’s more evidence of Rosie Girl’s growing up! She’s going to take Driver’s Ed in January, and we’re hoping to do a college visit in early December. Yikes! Where did the time go?
How was your week? Check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for more weekly reviews!