Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arepas on "Throwdown with Bobby Flay"!

I LOVE arepas! Arepas are the national dish of Venezuela and our family was introduced to them several years ago when we visited the Lighthouse Ranch near Caracas. The staff there made arepas for us just about every morning for breakfast. The next Christmas, Mr. Math Tutor bought me an arepa cooker so I can bake arepas instead of frying them.

What are arepas? you ask. Arepas are small cakes made from corn flour and water that are then fried or baked. They can be eaten with just butter, but are usually filled with something. In Venezuela, we filled arepas with scrambled eggs. Here at home, I like to fill my arepas with taco seasoned ground beef.

I'm so excited to see that Bobby Flay is making arepas on his TV show, "Throwdown with Bobby Flay". He is going up against some Venezuelan women who run an arepa restaurant in New York. How cool!!

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