Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Course for Next Year

Ga'hoole Girl and Wild Man are very interested in cooking these days. Some of their favorite TV shows are on the Food Network. So, I decided that it would be good for them to learn some Food Science. Actually, Food Network has a new show starting soon called Food Detectives that will be a large part of Wild Man's education. Ga'hoole Girl, though, is older and ready for more "meaty" stuff, so she will be using Alton Brown's two books, I'm Just Here for the Food V2.0 and I'm Just Here for More Food, as her textbooks. These books are chock full of the "whys" of cooking interspersed with some recipes. I am really looking forward to using them with her. My plan is to have her read some each week, then do a writing assignment, then a practical (recipe or experiment) each week. I'm hoping that she will be able to use what she learns here to understand more of why she has to learn basic sciences in high school. In any case, the books look just wonderful and will help us all with our kitchen skills. So, that's what's up for 2008/2009 Food Science class in the Martin School of Joy.

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