Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Days Go So Slowly . . . The Years Go So Quickly


A few days ago, I called Wild Man’s phone and got his voice mail.  It was the voice of a child, recorded not six months ago.


Today, Wild Man said something from the other room and I heard a young man’s voice.  Where did that time go?


Just a few months ago, PWM and I were ferrying Rosie Girl to her activities.


Now, she drives herself not only where she wants to go, but also to run errands for me and PWM.


Two months ago, I was taller than Wild Man.  He’s now two inches taller than me.


Rosie Girl has a job interview on Wednesday.  When did she get old enough to work?


Some days are so long . . .  I almost look forward to not having to supervise their education, to not making sure that they have adequate winter clothes, etc.  I wonder if my house will ever be clean.

But then a catch of glimpse of my babies and want to hold them to me forever.

Just a normal mom, I guess.

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