Friday, February 16, 2007

My new machine

I had a sleep study last night because of my headaches and because I snore (my husband says that the snoring has gotten worse over the last year and a half). And, it turns out that I have obstructive sleep apnea. They sent me home with a nice, new CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to use at night when I'm sleeping.

A little more than a year ago, I went for a sleep study, but I wasn't able to finish it because I got a migraine during the night and couldn't sleep. My husband had to come pick me up at 1am - and the hospital is 35 minutes away! So, I was a little apprehensive about going for this sleep study. The good news is that I didn't have a migraine during the study, but the bad news is that I had a migraine during the day before the study! But, I took my migraine meds and things stayed under control. I couldn't nap during the day (what I usually do when I have a migraine) so I was good and tired when they were ready for me to sleep.

During the sleep study, they monitored heart rate and rhythm, leg movement, brain waves, blood oxygen level, and air movement from my mouth and nose. I had sensors and wires everywhere! I didn't sleep well at all during the first part of the study, but I slept enough for them to see that I was having events where my breathing became extremely shallow. The tech said that I didn't stop breathing very often, though. Halfway through the night, the tech came and put a CPAP mask on me. I slept very well for the rest of the night. The CPAP provides a steady stream of air through my nose so that the tissue of my airway stays open and I breathe normally.

This morning (at 6:30am!!) the tech from the home health company was at the hosptital and taught me how to use the machine. Instead of a mask, I am using "nasal pillows" - a device that sits right under my nose and blows air. I still have straps around and over my head to keep the device in place. The machine heats and humidifies the air before it gets to the "nasal pillows". This is quite important up here with the nighttime temps that have been in the single digits this week. I took a nap this afternoon with the machine. I was so happy with the quiet and ease of use of the machine as well as how well I slept.

So, will this take away all the headaches and make me all better? The pulmonologist was doubtful about that. He thinks that I may get a 20% improvement or so. But, I'm keeping an open mind. God is in control of this whole situation. If He wants me to get better, that will be wonderful, but if He chooses for me to continue to have problems, that's OK too. "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:11-13. I can't really say that I've learned to be content, but rather that I'm learning to be content. I'm further down the road now than I was a year ago, and God is still teaching me a lot about contentment, fulfillment, and rest.

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