Saturday, February 26, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday – 2/25/2011


1. I got up this morning to find Wild Man at the table doing his copy work, his least favorite kind of schoolwork.  I told him that I’m not a young woman anymore and that he shouldn’t shock me like that!  Waking up to such a site could do me in!  (He has appropriately apologized and promised to return to his usual level of laziness first thing Monday Morning.

2. Wild Man has been studying India, so we watched Gandhi this week.  Wow.   What a powerful movie.

3. I watched The Last Days of Sophie Scholl, the story of Sophie Scholl who was a Nazi resistor.  The story encompasses her crime (writing and passing out leaflets), arrest, and execution.  It was inspiring and depressing at the same time.  One of the things that made an impression on me was how the prosecutor/judge kept saying things like “The Reich paid for your education and you repay them with sedition!”  We are very fortunate to live in a free country, but we have to be vigilant to preserve those freedoms.  It also reminded me that no one can say that the government paid for their education since we have chosen to homeschool.

4. I need a new “dream writer”.  I have been having lots of vivid and strange dreams lately!  Last night, I dreamed that I was somewhere in Florida and that there was a 14 foot alligator terrorizing people.  There were several helicopters that managed to hoist up the alligator (killing one person, unfortunately) and take him somewhere else.  I think you’ll agree that my subconsious needs new personnel.

5. We watched “Despicable Me” a couple of weeks ago.  The kids’ new favorite saying is “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna DIE!!!”  Completely silly.

6. Our current read-aloud is The Hobbit.  I just LOVE Tolkein’s work.  Well, except maybe the Simarillion – I had a hard time with Tolkein’s writing style in that book.

7. The kids are watching Phineas and Ferb and the song playing right now is “It’s so much fun not knowing where you’re goin’”.  I feel that way rather often!

Check out what others are saying at 7 Quick Takes Friday.  And have a great weekend!

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